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AUL/MyDUL -- Oracle Data Recovery Tool Like DUL, Since 2005

Oracle DUL is the last sulution for recovery when no other method left, for example when no backup and system tablespace data file is corrupted. It's an Oracle internal use only utility which could direct read rows from data file without Oracle environment. However it's very hard to get a legal copy of this utility and you may not be able to afford the expencive cost of asking Oracle DUL recovery service. Then I decide to write a another tool to implement almost the same feature. What could be recovered from corrupted Oracle database with AUL/MyDUL?

1, Lost system tablespace.
2, System tablespace corrupted.
3, Tablespace dropped but data files still exist.
4, Table dropped is possible when no new object reuse the space of the dropped table.
5, Table truncated with reuse storage option.
6, Table truncated without reuse storage option is possible,when no new object reuse the space freed by the truncation.
7, Database partially corrupted by bitcoin/lockbit virus.

Oracle versions from 8 to 21c (including 8i / 9i / 10g / 11g / 12c / 19c) are all supported, BLOB/CLOB data types are also supproted. Download windows edition, read the user guide, have it for fun.

OneSQL -- A High Performance (1000000 TPS) MySQL Branch Distribution

With read view optimization, trx_sys mutex sharding, lock_sys mutex sharding, dynamic thread pool and slave IO / SQL threads optimization for better read / write performance, lock optimized Adaptive Hash Index (AHI) for cluster key access, optimized buffer pool LRU and dirty page flush policy, Faster DDL to remove the whole buffer pool scan during the DDL operation, optimized transaction history purge policy to minimize the undo tablespace space usage, optimized for multiple pages asynchronous IO requests for range scan performance, better high connections concurrency and better slave IO dump(RPO) / SQL apply(RTO) target, garbage collection optimization for MySQL group replication. Download OneSQL 5.7.39 or OneSQL 8.0.31, for benchmarking (8h 500dw tpcc) only (not production ready), have it for fun.

Benchmark of sysbench update_non_index

top - 07:44:27 up 178 days,  7:55,  1 user,  load average: 315.39, 197.06, 84.14
Tasks: 791 total,  38 running, 752 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s): 80.0 us, 10.4 sy,  0.0 ni,  1.9 id,  0.0 wa,  0.0 hi,  7.6 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem : 19628264+total, 19359940 free, 21692036 used, 15523067+buff/cache
KiB Swap: 33554428 total, 33357308 free,   197120 used. 17283129+avail Mem

194144 loufang+  20   0 35.168g 0.017t  14108 S  6047  9.4 461:05.26 mysqld

[ 200s ] thds: 256 tps: 513996.00 qps: 513996.10 (r/w/o: 0.00/513996.10/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.78 ...
[ 210s ] thds: 256 tps: 509119.25 qps: 509119.25 (r/w/o: 0.00/509119.25/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.80 ...
[ 220s ] thds: 256 tps: 512240.96 qps: 512241.06 (r/w/o: 0.00/512241.06/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.74 ...
[ 230s ] thds: 256 tps: 497747.30 qps: 497747.20 (r/w/o: 0.00/497747.20/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.86 ...
[ 240s ] thds: 256 tps: 506797.24 qps: 506797.24 (r/w/o: 0.00/506797.24/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.80 ...
[ 250s ] thds: 256 tps: 514362.28 qps: 514362.28 (r/w/o: 0.00/514362.28/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.77 ...
[ 260s ] thds: 256 tps: 504363.11 qps: 504363.11 (r/w/o: 0.00/504363.11/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.81 ...
[ 270s ] thds: 256 tps: 520560.62 qps: 520560.62 (r/w/o: 0.00/520560.62/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.69 ...
[ 280s ] thds: 256 tps: 512038.70 qps: 512038.70 (r/w/o: 0.00/512038.70/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.75 ...
[ 290s ] thds: 256 tps: 499053.83 qps: 499053.83 (r/w/o: 0.00/499053.83/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.86 ...
[ 300s ] thds: 256 tps: 480645.18 qps: 480645.18 (r/w/o: 0.00/480645.18/0.00) lat (ms,95%): 0.84 ...

OneProxy -- A High Performance Proxy For MySQL Data Distribution

Donwload communitiy edition, read the user guide, have it for fun.

SharedServer -- A MySQL Thread Pool Plugin For 100K Connetions

It's compatible with MySQL community edition (RPM Package) only, download and extract them to mysql plugin directory (usually $MYSQL_HOME/lib/plugin), and then load them with "plugin-load" option in my.cnf file. Then restart the MySQL instance and have for fun (Read document).

MySQL ComminityPercona BranchGreatSQL Branch
5.7.26 rhel7/centos7
8.0.25 rhel8/centos8, rhel7/centos7
8.0.32 rhel7/centos7, rhel6/centos6 rhel7/centos7, rhel6/centos6 rhel8/centos8, rhel7/centos7
8.0.33 rhel7/centos7, rhel6/centos6 rhel7/centos7, rhel6/centos6
8.0.35 rhel7/centos7
8.0.36 rhel7/centos7

As a drop-in replacement of MySQL Thread Pool, it will help you to meet the sustained performance and scalability of ever increasing user by providing a highly scalable thread-handling model designed to reduce overhead in managing client connections and statement execution threads.

sysbench -- sysbench utility with 99 and 99.9 RT summary

It will give you 99% and 99.9% reqeusts' response time summary information.

Threads started!

[ 10s ] thds: 1 tps: 5257.61 qps: 5257.61 (r/w/o: 5257.61/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.25/0.31/0.56 ...
[ 20s ] thds: 1 tps: 4771.03 qps: 4771.03 (r/w/o: 4771.03/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.27/0.50/2.97 ...
[ 30s ] thds: 1 tps: 5215.35 qps: 5215.35 (r/w/o: 5215.35/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.24/0.29/0.58 ...
[ 40s ] thds: 1 tps: 5209.77 qps: 5209.77 (r/w/o: 5209.77/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.24/0.32/0.72 ...
[ 50s ] thds: 1 tps: 5109.73 qps: 5109.73 (r/w/o: 5109.73/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.26/0.35/0.73 ...
[ 60s ] thds: 1 tps: 4878.13 qps: 4878.13 (r/w/o: 4878.13/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.28/0.43/1.44 ...
[ 70s ] thds: 1 tps: 4894.60 qps: 4894.60 (r/w/o: 4894.60/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.28/0.44/2.14 ...
[ 80s ] thds: 1 tps: 4818.27 qps: 4818.27 (r/w/o: 4818.27/0.00/0.00) lat (ms,95%,99%,99.9%): 0.28/0.42/1.32 ...

Download linux x86_64 binary.

tpccmysql -- Percona TPCC MySQL Utility for Large Warehouse and Long Running

*** ###easy### TPC-C Load Generator ***
option h with value ''
option N (New Order Target) with value '600000'
option P with value '8001'
  12, trx: 56744, 95%: 18.376, 99%: 22.755, max_rt: 41.029, 56748|39.021, 5675|9.035, 5675|43.072, 5672|73.481
  18, trx: 56062, 95%: 19.020, 99%: 25.842, max_rt: 58.534, 56059|60.499, 5605|22.664, 5605|54.112, 5613|103.732
  24, trx: 55846, 95%: 19.728, 99%: 37.671, max_rt: 69.946, 55812|59.985, 5586|45.156, 5584|70.520, 5582|110.103
  30, trx: 55208, 95%: 19.977, 99%: 40.671, max_rt: 68.655, 55199|57.416, 5509|44.571, 5527|73.212, 5538|67.556
  36, trx: 54229, 95%: 24.181, 99%: 51.862, max_rt: 77.793, 54204|71.890, 5434|55.109, 5418|82.061, 5404|118.577
  42, trx: 56534, 95%: 18.454, 99%: 28.947, max_rt: 69.159, 56535|70.094, 5654|46.345, 5652|67.720, 5654|65.952
  48, trx: 56360, 95%: 18.476, 99%: 32.425, max_rt: 68.919, 56332|72.779, 5636|45.188, 5639|76.019, 5635|93.428

Download linux x86_64 binary.

OneValue -- A High Performance Redis Protocol Persist Key Value Store

Download linux x86_64 binary.

mydbtest -- MySQL Benchmark Utility For Customized SQLs and RT Distribution

Download linux x86_64 binary.

SQLUDLR2 -- A High Performance Text Unload Utility For Orcle Database

Download SQLULDR2 Windows / Linux x64 binary.

Conatct by anysql(@)yahoo.com, anysql(@)live.com, WeChat name anysql, or make a call to +86 159 256 11590